Standards of Practice
The Standards of Practice provide a framework of principles to convey a collective principle of professionalism, skills and values in positive reinforcement-based training. As members / certificants (collectively referred to as “members”), each individual member will undertake the following:
To understand and promote Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) training and behavior work.
To continue professional development by reading relevant material; attending conferences, workshops and seminars; and pursuing other educational opportunities.
To review and understand source material and academic texts for information.
To abstain from representing training and behavioral information as scientific, unless the information is derived from peer-reviewed and published research.
To refrain from offering guarantees regarding the outcome of training and behavior work.
To always maintain professionalism through:
Providing your services honestly
Treating animals and clients respectfully
Valuing and preserving the privacy of clients
Maintaining professionalism with colleagues and other professionals.
Professional Code of Ethics
The Professional Code of Ethics was created to set forth guidelines for members. Any member is subject to termination of membership, revocation of certification, and/or other disciplinary actions if they: (a) are convicted of a felony that involves violence against people or animals (b) engage in conduct which could lead to conviction of a felony, or a misdemeanor, related to their qualifications or functions; (c) engage in cruelty, abuse, or neglect of animals or humans, crimes against humanity or of violence against animals or humans; (d) fail to cooperate with the organization at any point from the inception of an ethical complaint through the completion of all proceedings regarding that complaint. Any member, or member applicant, who wishes to appeal the termination may do so in accordance with the complaints process.
2.1 Trainers/behavior consultants do not share confidential information that could reasonably lead to the identification of a client, or prospective client, research participant, or other person with whom they have a confidential relationship, unless they have obtained the prior written consent of the client, research participant, or other person with whom they have a confidential relationship.
2.2 Trainers/behavior consultants keep accurate and complete records of all clients, their animals, services provided, and the conclusion of the services provided.
2.3 Trainers/behavior consultants provide referring veterinarians with professional feedback on services provided and training or behavior plans to improve continuity of care and ensure the collaborative relationship between health and behavior professionals.
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