Contact Snout and About

Buy Me A Coffee

Hey friends, fans and Alumni members. The “buy me a coffee” app is a way to help make the Snout & About mission work! 

If you enjoy our content, find it helpful or valuable in anyway, we would love for you to buy us a coffee. If you can’t afford to do that, that’s fine, you can like and share our work instead. This is hugely valuable to us! 

If you can afford to buy us a coffee, then you’re part of helping us to achieve our mission to promote welfare to the wider masses, and in doing so, supporting those who can’t afford it right now.

We provide free mentorship to under represented communities, ongoing free seminars for all our clients for life, whopper discounts on charity services and free initiatives to support the wider dog training community too!

We hope you enjoy our work, services, content and mission and thank you for being a part of helping spread the good word of ethical training.

Dog bless xxx